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Radiation Zone

Radiation Zone is a first-person gun game with zombies and soldiers. Your job is to get rid of all terrorists in the limited radiation zone. There are many kinds of guns and ammunition in the area that you can use. You can find loot for life in the "Available for You" inventory. You have the option to set up a tent and start a fire. Get four pieces of clothing and four twigs to make a tent. You also need to find food and water to stay alive. The sniper rifle, AK-47, knife, rifle, RPG, grenade, and Makarov pistol are some of the tools that can be used. Best of luck with your hard tasks!

How to play

Pressing "Escape" will take you to the menu.

*WASD* controls movement

*ctrl* makes you crouch

*left shift* makes you run

*q* and *e* let you lean left and right

*f* to pick up an item or look inside a weapon box

*1...*3* to switch weapons

*left mouse* to fire Use the right mouse button to aim and the

"g" key to throw a grenade.

If you press "double mouse left," you can click on an item to use it.

If you press "double mouse right," you can drop an item.

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