Five Nights At Freddy's: Sister Location is the fifth installment in the FNAF series, published in 2016. Use the numerous tools you'll find to avoid animatronics or confuse them carefully as you go through the game. As in previous games, you can navigate an observation system with cameras in each room to see where the animatronics are at any given moment and choose the best course of action to avoid them.
In this game, you play as Mike the janitor from Sister Location, who, for whatever godawful reason, has decided to return to a haunted pizza parlor filled with deadly animatronics. As before, your mission is to survive as many nights as possible.
To control the camera’s scope, use the mouse and keyboard.
The gameplay formula of the fifth game, in contrast to the first four, has undergone a significant alteration. Instead of being confined to a single chamber and fighting off animatronics, the player is now free to roam and explore different places.